Understanding that the solution is in the journey, and not just in the end result makes the process and the outcome better. Whether we’re making a fabricated or stamped metal part, finished component or an assembly, Jireh Metal’s experienced team delivers. Our can-do attitude cultivates lasting customer relationships, and is one of the reasons why manufacturers and tier one suppliers in the furniture, automotive and hardware industries confidently turn to us for help with new products, existing business and VA/VE work. Once the business is secured, they never have to worry. Our innovative systems schedule and track customer orders, and control all raw material needs for seamless processing, start to finish.
ISO, PPM, PPAP, CMM and CI are acronyms in the assessment of quality. We know them all. We apply them all. And we take them all seriously. Our certifications, performance measurements, and Quality Policy Statement attest to our ability and conscientiousness. It’s not a matter of regulation; it’s a company principle that governs our thoughts and actions. Delivering a virtually perfect product time and time again is the Jireh way.
If it’s important to you, it’s very important to us. Which is why we’ve developed a robust, home-grown ERP system to cover all the bases. The Jireh Performance System (JPS) delivers continuous improvement throughout the process. We measure and track all critical elements to our business, and learn how to keep getting better. Whether we’re measuring our production, safety, tooling maintenance, or set-up times, we track our performance and keep raising the bar. What does that mean for you? Error-free, on-time outcomes and a more efficient process altogether.